MTRAS Robot Build Workshop (moved from Jan to Feb)

  Saturday, February 19, 2022 01:00 PM - 04:00 PM

  Adventure Science Center

*** Please note the date change from January to February Due to COVID. ***

MTRAS Bot with ScoopMTRAS Bot Competitions for Engineering Day!

For the January Workshop, we will host a MTRAS Group Build! This kit will be used for competitions such as sumo battles, line following and quick trip competitions during the February Engineering Day event.

Bot Details

We've incorporated an Arduino Nano due to it's small size, yet big I/O count. With the addition of a Breakout board, all pins are easily accessible and Servo-friendly. We ditched standard batteries and opted for a 5000mAh Power Bank which includes a USB charging cable and power LED status. The USB cable doubles as the programming cable. Two Continuous Rotation servos for drive to get builders rolling quickly and easily. A small breadboard allows you to quickly and easily prototype. 3mm Holes line the perimeter of the board to allow you to add components. The initial kit will come with a line following board for an upcoming line following competition.

Members will have the option to pick what color frame, breadboard and wheels they want. Note we have limited quantities so you'll be asked a second color choice just in case.

We are selling the kit AT COST. Actually we're losing money if you factor in the time it takes to design, build a curriculum, make the parts (3D printing, Laser cutting etc) and kit it all together. The kit costs $34.99 plus 1ยข for s/h . We realize that it's not the cheapest kit out there, but we put an emphasis on coming up with something easy to build and expandable that doesn't take days to put together. In fact, this kit should take less than an hour to get moving.

Reserve Ordering

Limited quantity! While we have the means to build more, we are capping the first run at 10. This gives us a manageable number of participants to plan a thorough workshop.

Cutoff is Friday, February 17th.

We build Saturday February 19th during our workshop time. Please, if you purchase a kit make sure you can make the Workshop. There will be more kits available as we plan new workshops so don't worry if you can't make this one.


You can pay using the following three methods. When paying through these services, the person you're sending to is listed below as well.

Google Pay (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Venmo - @Patrick-Becker-23

MTRAS Bot Order Form

Please let us know your name.
Please let us know your email address.
Please choose a frame color.
Please choose a wheel color.
Please choose a Breadboard Color.
Invalid Input


MTRAS sign in procedures - PLEASE READ

Please Note! - The ASC is requiring kids 12 and under to wear a mask inside the center. They are also encouraging everyone to wear a mask but 13+ are not required.

As you approach the science center, please use the entrance doors on the right side. When you enter the lobby look for the sign-in table, which will have a MTRAS flyer attached, on your right (near the security station).

You will sign in as you have in the past but will be given a wrist band specific for MTRAS members, and then you may go to the Yellow Classroom (2nd floor, in the Body Quest area). You MUST have a wristband to attend MTRAS meetings and afternoon workshops, and we encourage you to re-use your meeting wristband for the workshop.

Please message the organizers if you have any questions.

MTRAS Membership

How Can I Help?

What is required to be a member?

Is there a membership fee?

Can my child be a member?

What are your meetings like? (10am - Noon)

What are your workshops like? (1:30pm - 4:30pm)