
Please join us at our next meeting, workshop or special event!

Intro To Home Assistant

  Saturday, January 18, 2025 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM

  Adventure Science Center  |  Nashville-Davidson

In this workshop we will discuss:

  1. We'll discuss what Home Assistant is and how it is different than store bought options.
  2. We'll look at what the installation options are and how to get started with a raspberry pi and the HA Green.
  3. We'll look at the interface and briefly go over what the default dashboard looks like and what autodiscovery does.
  4. We will add MQTT which will bring in other custom devices.
  5. We will create a simple "Theater Lighting" automation to run when playing a movie
  6. Q & A

If time permits, these stretch goals may be covered:

  1. Creating a custom sensor using an ESP32 and ESPHome
  2. Looking at alternate device firmware and flashing Tasmota on a device.

Recommendations for workshop attendance:

No equipment or prior knowledge is required

Registration for workshop:

No registration is required


800, Fort Negley Boulevard, Wedgewood-Houston, Nashville-Davidson, Davidson County, Middle Tennessee, Tennessee, 37203

