
Please join us at our next meeting, workshop or special event!

May 2020 Regular Meeting

Special Events
  Saturday, May 16, 2020 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

  Zoom Meeting

Newbies, gearheads & everyone in between are welcome. Most meetings start with a show and tell format. the show and tell is informal and last about an hour. We then break-up for informal discussions. We always welcome anyone wanting to give a specific presentation. Let us know if you'd like to present on a particular topic!

MTRAS sign in procedures - PLEASE READ

Due to public health concerns, the Adventure Science Center will be closed during our next scheduled meeting. As an alternative to our traditional in-person meeting, we will be hosting our May meeting online using the Zoom conferencing software. It is free to participate and as this is a new option, this meeting will be an experiment.

Our initial agenda is as follows:

  • Meeting Startup - Help people get started with Zoom.
  • Announcements - Discus up-coming events / meetings
  • Show and Tell - workbench edition - Show us your work benches or show us your projects
  • Q & A - General questions for the group.

To connect via Zoom please see the details below:

Time: May 16, 2020 10:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 826 8194 0082
Password: 031230
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Meeting ID: 826 8194 0082
Password: 031230
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