
Please join us at our next meeting, workshop or special event!

Freeform "SevenSeg" Bot Workshop with special guest Mohit Bhoite

Special Events
  Saturday, April 25, 2020 01:30 PM - 04:30 PM

  Zoom Meeting

You can make fun things while you're stuck at home!
Jenn reached out to Mohit Bhoite, an electronics engineer at Particle who makes freeform circuit sculptures for fun. He's excited about teaching a workshop to us here in Nashville!
He's partnering with MTRAS to do a Zoom webinar workshop, building his SevenSeg bot design on April 25, which is National Sculpture Day! We'll deliver kits the week before, so you have to register by April 18 (which, incidentally is the date of the next regular MTRAS meeting.)
You need to be local to Nashville take the workshop, or else you are going to have to kick in for shipping for your kit.
Here is his talk from the Eyeo festival last summer.
His work is an absolute delight!
Please message the organizers if you have any questions.
See ya'll there!

Zoom Meeting Info:

Time: Apr 25, 2020 01:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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