
Please join us at our next meeting, workshop or special event!

February 2021 Regular Meeting

Special Events
  Saturday, February 20, 2021 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

  Zoom Meeting

Newbies, gearheads & everyone in between are welcome. Most meetings start with a show and tell format. the show and tell is informal and last about an hour. We then break-up for informal discussions. We always welcome anyone wanting to give a specific presentation. Let us know if you'd like to present on a particular topic!

During the February meeting we will be discussing an upcoming workshop. We are planning a series exploring the ESP32. This series contains an intro to coding using the Arduino IDE, an intro to electronics, and an intro to IoT - all in one!
Who can attend?
This workshop series is intended for those new to electronics and coding. The recommended minimum age is high school age (or younger with supervision).
So, how to do we conduct a workshop remotely?
We are developing a simple step by step series that walks through not just the connections between components but the theory, reasoning and purpose of the components used and the code that makes it all work.
Rather than getting a box of parts and wires, we have designed a development kit that doesn't need to be wired up for each experiment but rather has simple jumpers to select and connect needed components to each other. Also, this kit is expandable and allows you to add your own components when you're ready to work on your own projects.
Why conduct this remotely?
Well, aside from the continued challenges/risks that the pandemic poses, we would also like to conduct more than one workshop session per month as we have in the past. Ideally, the goal is once a week or once every two weeks. With our members spread around middle Tennessee, an online session may be more convenient for most - even after vaccinations make meeting in person possible.
More information
For more information, including kit contents and cost, workshop example and outline, and number of seats available, please join us at our next meeting on February 20th.

MTRAS sign in procedures - PLEASE READ

For the month of February, although the Adventure Science Center is open to limited occupancy, we will hold our Monthly Meeting over Zoom.

Meeting Details:

Topic: MTRAS Regular February Monthly Meeting
Time: Feb 20, 2021 10:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

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Passcode: 252716
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