Arduino Basics Workshop Series and Optional Kit Available
Beginning with the June workshop, MTRAS will now be offering an Arduino Basics Series for those who are new to robotics and specifically new to the Arduino platform. One of the most common questions we are asked is "I love robots and really want to get started but I don't know where to begin." Our goal is to help those who are just getting started and those who are currently tinkering, get a good foundation on which, to build their own ideas.
What we will cover:
- Arduino Basics - How the Arduino works and what it can do.
- Arduino Programming basics - How to install the IDE and write your first scripts
- Component basics - overview of basic electrical components and how they are used with the Arduino
- Basic low voltage DC electronics - series and parallel circuits and power sources
- Basic workbench safety - how to protect yourself and your investments.
- More as we progress - While we have a specific agenda for the first few sessions, as we progress, you will help guide the series.
What we won't cover:
- Advanced use cases - We will be covering how to use the Arduino with the components in our selected kit (details below). We don't, at this time, anticipate covering components outside of the kit in the sessions.
- How to build a specific robot - This series is meant to be foundation building and while we will be covering how to control a serveo and stepper motor, the kit doesn't include a specific robot body or platform. Our hope is that by the end of the series, the participants will be armed with the knowledge to move forward with what ever platform or project they have in mind.
- Advanced Arduino programming - While we will be covering the basics of coding the Arduino, this is not meant to be an all out mastery series. Once again, foundational training.
- World domination - whoa! Hold on there sport! One step at a time.
What you will need to participate:
This series is meant to be hands on. While there will be some lecture on the basics, the bulk of the sessions will be hands on by the attendees. Visitors/Observers are of course welcome but you may find the experience tiresome without the interaction of participating. Therefore, we encourage you to consider getting or bringing the following items. This series is FREE to attend and if you already have the components in our kit, then there is no expense to participate.
- Laptop - you will need a laptop pc to program the arduino. The software and requirements for the Arduino IDE are listed here (
- Kit OR equivelent components - We have a kit (details below) that can be preordered below for this series. If you already have the components needed, great! no need to purchase anything.
- Some basic math and science understanding - This series is suitable for high school and above experience. We ask that those under the age of 14 be restricted from direct participation as the concepts may be difficult for younger members. Of course, parents use your own discretion as we are well aware that there are some pretty smart kiddos in the group.
What's in the kit and how much is it?
The kit we are using contains the following items and can be purchased for $38:
1 x Arduino UNO R3 development board
- 1 x USB cable
- 1 x Prototype extension board
- 1 x Mini breadboard
- 1 x 5V stepper motor
- 1 x 2003 stepper motor driver board
- 5 x Red LED
- 5 x Green LED
- 5 x Yellow LED
- 2 x Vibration Sensor
- 1 x Flame sensor
- 1 x LM35 temperature sensor
- 1 x Infrared receiver
- 3 x Photoresistor
- 4 x Key cap
- 4 x Key switch
- 1 x Adjustable potentiometer
- 1 x Passive buzzer
- 1 x Active buzzer
- 1 x Jumper cap
- 1 x Large breadboard
- 1 x Remote Control
- 1 x 1602 Screen
- 1 x 9G servos
- 1 x Component box
- 1 x 10p DuPont line
- 30 x Breadboard line(approximately)
- 1 x 220ohm resistance
- 1 x 8*8 dot matrix
- 1 x One digit eight segment tube
- 1 x Four digit eight segment tube
- 1 x IC 74HC595
- 1 x Battery Holder
- 1 x 1K resistor plug
- 1 x 10K resistor plug
- 1 x 9V battery
- 1 x 2.54mm 40pin pin header
We are purchasing the kits at this and you are welcome to purchase it on your own. However, after already having ordered one for myself, I strongly suggest that you make the purchase prior to May 20th to allow for shipping from China.
If you would like us to handle this for you then you can pre-order your kit below at cost. The kits will be colllectively shipped to me and I will bring them to the June 20th workshop for you to pick up.
The deadline for ordering a KIT from this form has passed.
If you would like to order the kit from the vendor click HERE.
There is no deadline to register for the events.
Q: What if I can't make it to the June workshop, can I still participate in later workshops?
A: Yes! This is a buffet style series - Participate at your convenience.
Q: Will you be repeating any of the workshops on future dates?
A: Not at this time but if there is enough demand then we will certainly consider it.
Q: If I want to reserve a kit, can you go ahead and order it and then I'll pay for it at the meeting?
A: No. To cover the cost of the kit, we would need everyone to pay in advance if they want us to order it. Of course, you are welcome to order the kit yourself and have it shipped to you.
Q: If I order a kit through this form can you have it shipped to my house?
A: No. To keep shipping simple and to ensure that all of the kits are received, if you use the form to order the kit, it will be shipped to me and I will bring them to the meeting for you to pick up. Of course, you are welcome to order the kit yourself and have it shipped to you.
Q: Can I get a refund for the kit in case I can't attend the series sessions?
A: No. Unless the kit is defective in some way, no refunds will be offered. If the kit is defective, then an exchange will be offered for the defective parts.
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