
News about upcoming big events, workshops, and other announcements.

Make Nashville full "STEM" ahead with workshops.

As most of you know, Make Nashville recently opened their doors on July 30th. Now that things are up and running, they have been working hard on workshop options. Check out their schedule. In the next month alone, there are workshops for 3D printing, fundamentals of CNC routing, apron making and more. Have an idea for a great workshop? Check out th...

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MTRAS Modular Art Pod "Recycled Space" at Oz Arts Nashville

MTRAS Modular Art Pod "Recycled Space" at Oz Arts Nashville

Come out and support the home team. Members Azeem Husain, Quincy Jones, Andrew L Hoover, Karl and myself are building an Art Pod. Our theme is Recycled Space. Our pod is 4ft x 4ft x 6 ft tall. Features include musical floppy drives, an experiment panel, an electrical panel, robot arm and a dome to take in the view as you orbit planet earth! Complete your own space mission to get a mission patch themed token. Most of our pod utilizes upcycled parts. For more info checkout the following link. Thanks!

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"New MTRAS sign in procedures - PLEASE READ"

Please be aware there are some changes on how to sign in for our monthly meetings.

Starting on October 24th MTRAS members will use a separate sign in table.

A member of MTRAS or Larry Dunlap-Berg, with the Adventure Science Center, will staff the table between 9:45 -10:15. (ASC’s front desk admission staff will be busy preparing to open the science center so please do not ask them for assistance.)

As you approach the science center, please use the entrance doors on the left side. When you enter the lobby look for the sign-in table, which will have a MTRAS flyer attached, on your left (near Jack Wood Hall).

You will sign in as you have in the past but will be given a wrist band specific for MTRAS members, and then you may go to Eureka Corner for the meeting. You MUST have a wristband to attend MTRAS meetings and afternoon workshops, and we encourage you to re-use your meeting wristband for the workshop.

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Modular Art Pods at OZ Announces Call for Artists!

Hi Makers, fellow member Tony Youngblood is bringing back his Modular Art Pods exhibit next year. The call for artists is now open. What is a modular pod? Here's a description from their website:

"Modular Art Pods (MAPs) is an open-source collaborative art tunnel. Each artist designs a pod and builds it. Attendees can experience the tunnel by going through the pods or walking the perimeter. Anyone can enjoy Modular Art Pods no matter their age or accessibility needs. Some large pods are wheelchair accessible. Smaller “crawl” pods can also be experienced through an accessible “backlot tour,” featuring peepholes, behind-the-scenes views, and inside/outside interactivity."

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Make Nashville Electronic Costume Workshop Sat 17th

Sad our workshop got rescheduled? Don't despair, our homies over at Make Nashville are doing an "Electronic Costume" workshop this Sat Oct 17th! Add some tech to your costume and check it out. From 11 - 2pm at Emma Bistro. Ages 12 and up. Be sure to register.

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Looking for cool laser cut swag ideas to help support "Make Nashville"

Hello Roboteers. As a lot of you already know, there is a sort of new maker group in Nashville called "Make Nashville". Right now they are meeting over at Anode in East Nashville. The group is strong and is looking for a space. I am hoping MTRAS will be able to utilize this space at some point whenever the Science Center cant accommodate our needs. For example, when we are working on a big project that may require some welding etc. In in effort to help them, I have donated laser cutting time to help them with a fund raising campaign. Id like to be able to cut something maker friendly as swag to people who donated x amount to help with a deposit on a space. So I ask the members of MTRAS to come up with some fun maker related doodad I could cut out. Something using maybe 1/8in acrylic, no bigger then 2x2". If you have any ideas Id love to hear them during our next meet or reach out to me at on Facebook or MTRAS.


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